Ultimate Fibre Plus (340g)
Suggested dose for adults: 1-2 teaspoons (or 3-5 capsules) 1-2 times daily or as directed by your health care practitioner.
Primary action: This formula provides an optimal balance of ingredients necessary for overall gastrointestinal health maintenance and treatment.Ingredients were emphasized to provide a higher amount of lignans for their specific effects as antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral activity. *GI Disease includes irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation, hard stool, diarrhea, diverticulitis, gastritis, enteritis, ulcers, colitis, inflammation,acidity and hemorrhoids.
*RECOMMENDED USES Source of fibre for the maintenance of good health by acting as a bulk-forming laxative. Provides gentle relief of constipation and/or irregularity. Source of probiotics that temporarily modify gut flora.
Detoxification includes heavy metal chelation.
Recommendations: Ultimate Fibre may be used in conjunction with either Digezyme or IB–Zyme and Ultimate Greens for gastrointestinal treatmentand cleansing. For high cholesterol, use Ultimate Fibre Plus with our Choles-Fx and Ultimate Greens. You may also use it with our ParaCide andDigezyme as a complete and easy to follow anti-parasite protocol. For tissue support and cleansing, it can be combined with our Liver Support and LiverCleanse for liver health or Kidney Support and Kidney Cleanse for kidney health.